RYZE Martial Arts and Fitness Academy Liability Waiver and Release Form
Participant Name: {name}
Date of Birth: {dob}
Phone Number: {phone}
Emergency Contact: {contact_name}
Relationship to Participant: {contact_relation}
Phone Number: {contact_phone}
By signing this waiver, I, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions related to my use of the facilities and participation in activities at RYZE Martial Arts and Fitness Academy (“the Gym”):
1. General Facility Use
I understand that the Gym provides access to a variety of facilities, including but not limited to:
- Sauna
- Shower facilities
- Weight room
- Locker room
- Martial arts training areas
I accept full responsibility for any personal injury, property damage, or loss incurred while using these facilities.
2. Sauna Use
I acknowledge that using the sauna involves potential health risks, including but not limited to dehydration, overheating, and cardiovascular complications. I agree to use the sauna responsibly, follow all posted guidelines, and consult a physician if I have any underlying health conditions. I release the Gym from liability for any injuries or health issues arising from my use of the sauna.
3. Shower and Locker Room Facilities
I acknowledge that the shower and locker room areas may have slippery surfaces and understand the importance of using caution to avoid falls or injuries. I release the Gym from any liability related to accidents, theft, or damage to personal property in these areas.
4. Weight Room and Fitness Equipment
I understand that the weight room and fitness equipment carry inherent risks of injury, including but not limited to muscle strains, sprains, and other physical harm. I agree to use all equipment as instructed, follow posted guidelines, and seek staff assistance if needed. I assume all risks associated with my use of the weight room and release the Gym from any liability for injuries or damages.
5. Martial Arts Training
I understand that martial arts training involves physical contact and carries inherent risks, including but not limited to bruises, sprains, fractures, and other injuries. I agree to follow the instructions of my trainers and spar responsibly with others. I voluntarily assume all risks associated with martial arts training and release the Gym, its owners, instructors, and staff from any liability for injuries or damages.
6. Medical Clearance and Assumption of Risk
I confirm that I am in good health and have no medical conditions that would make participation in Gym activities unsafe. I agree to consult a physician if I am uncertain about my ability to participate in any activity.
7. Personal Property
I understand that the Gym is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of personal property brought onto the premises.
8. Waiver of Liability and Indemnity
I release and discharge RYZE Martial Arts and Fitness Academy, its owners, employees, instructors, and affiliates from any and all claims, liabilities, or demands arising from injuries, damages, or losses incurred while on the premises or participating in Gym activities.
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Gym against any claims arising out of my actions or participation.
9. Consent to Emergency Medical Treatment
In the event of a medical emergency, I authorize the Gym to obtain medical treatment on my behalf and agree to assume financial responsibility for any costs incurred.
10. Acknowledgment and Signature
I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agree to all terms and conditions outlined in this waiver. I understand that signing this form is voluntary and that I am waiving certain legal rights.
Participant Signature:
Date: {sign_date}